I am finding dead frogs lying on the grass around the pond. Each year they come to mate in a shallow pond I get ready with fresh water. The frogs only mate in this pond, none live there. I have been...
27 Across: In mathematics, the slope of a line or tangent at any ppoint on a curve with respect to the horizontal axis (8) I have Gradient, but it crosses with 35 Down which is Wort, can it be spelt...
2 Down: Carry an animal (4): ?E?R 43 Down: When Santa arrives at this time (7-3) P?E?E?T-?C? 58 Down: Hard to leave whisked drink for Asian drink (4):S?U? 24 Across: Bribed father I remove (4,3)...
I have done what others have done before me - thrown out the Saturday Link Words that match with today's Herculis words, which are COAT, WATER, COUNCIL and NAIL. Please could somone oblige with...
4 Down: Sherry lover (7)????O?O 5 Down: I posted another payment after this (7)????S?? 19 Down: Close space made by temporary substitute(7)S?????? 20 Down:Worst place to park during break for repairs...
7 Down: Lad lost at sea turning to experienced crewman (3,4) O?D,?A?T...Is it OLD DART?
20 Across It's found amongst Russians as handle (5) S?S?A
Many thanks in advance....
12a back part of the Skull or Head O??I?? 15a Ancient Palestine kingdom conquered by the babylonians in the 6th century MO?B 10a Rare granular crystalling mineral, used in the production of aluminium,...