Yesterday I had to go to a dental access centre for an extraction. I am dental phobic, due to past experiences. The dentist knew this & promised that It would be ok & I believed her. I have...
Years ago a work colleague taped her clannad albums for me to play in my car. One album - cant remember the album title, included the track Magical Ring. I can find a magical Ring album with no track...
I need some ideas about how to stop some squeaky floorboards from driving us mad. They are upstairs in the bathroom & on the landing. We have considered replacing them but this would be a massive...
Has anyone out there had credit protection added to a credit agreement without their knowledge & against express choice made at point of sale? I bought a laptop almost 3 years ago ( from a well known...
I am researching our family tree & the occupation Journeyman has featured several times. Does anyone know what a journeyman was in the past 300 years? We have a journeyman baker & a journeyman mason...
I am trying to get hold of a replacement Caterpillar Club Gold Lapel pin for my father in law who has lost his. Those whose lives were saved by a parachute during the wars received a pin as...