Years ago a work colleague taped her clannad albums for me to play in my car. One album - cant remember the album title, included the track Magical Ring. I can find a magical Ring album with no track...
1. lies untidily in a drawer marked ..............s (5) 2. small sweet red pepper, sundried (4) 3. 18th century lady's overcoat for riding (6) 4. slightly turbulent essex river (5) 5. a guillemot in...
My wife's mate has a riddle which he reckons can be solved using logic, but it's beyond me. A man is drugged and kidnapped.When he wakes up, he is in a completely dark room with no windows or...
I need some ideas about how to stop some squeaky floorboards from driving us mad. They are upstairs in the bathroom & on the landing. We have considered replacing them but this would be a massive...
Has anyone out there had credit protection added to a credit agreement without their knowledge & against express choice made at point of sale? I bought a laptop almost 3 years ago ( from a well known...
There is this mad old man who lives down the road I have to walk to and from work down and he drives me mad. A few weeks back he was absolutely miles ahead of me and shouted at me 'It's polite to say...
I am researching our family tree & the occupation Journeyman has featured several times. Does anyone know what a journeyman was in the past 300 years? We have a journeyman baker & a journeyman mason...
I am trying to get hold of a replacement Caterpillar Club Gold Lapel pin for my father in law who has lost his. Those whose lives were saved by a parachute during the wars received a pin as...
Does anyone know what guitar piece or song was used when Ross and Rachel have their first kiss in central perk in the episode 'the pilot' It is also used again when Ross and Rachel kiss at the end in...
Can anyone help me with information I need on Bandura and Skinner and their theories in relation to working with young people. Any help greatfully received.
i have to write an essay intitled... 'How do Thomas Hardy and Charles Dickens give a good in-site into the social and historical period in which they live? (make refernce to 2 short stories and a...
My votes are Liverpudlian way out ahead, followed by sarf east Laahhnndon (I'm from the SE, but am fairly accentless) and then Brummie. My favourite is Geordie.
I am currently doing an essay on community care policy and provision. I would be grateful if anyone on AB can help me with the following. What shaped community care from the 1930's to the present day?...