Me again, can anyone help please 8dTaking the place of another minister with debts(9) ?i?a????? 1a Many lacked resolve and squawked (7) C?????d 2d Toms whistle? (7) ??t?i?l 20a Support a cause and...
4d Editor came up and wrote `rotten` (10) last 2 letters ed 5d Can members of it just do as they like (10,7) ???m????v? last word society 1d most of the class I state without exception(11 ????g????a?...
last week I needed help on some problems and thanks to those who answered----I won!!!! So Lie-in-King and wallacia can you or someone help again please 11d Our usual phraseology, so to speak(6,8)...
10a. (5,3,4)???? B ? N ? N ? I ? (think the 1st letter of 1st word might be T)Vigorously using two brushes in the bathroom? 33a (6,6) ?E?R?T ?????T In which one might vote to return after private...
Really struggling this week can anyone help please 10a) Looking for a golden opportunity (11) 3rd letter O 12a)Give a subject a title perhaps (7) 1st letter T 31a) Type of fever that produces watery...
Stuck on these last three. Can anyone in cyberspace help? 2d)Roman magistrate in favour of foreign government agent (9) ? r ???n?u? 11a) Subtle point made by tiny adjustment incorporating the...
Please can anyone help me with this last clue. 4letters of which I have l ? a l cryptic clue; Ian leaves European countryman at an angle shortly. Quick clue; Italic(abbrev.) Because I have such faith...
Please can you help out with these : 4d light sailing vessel / everyone in store had a boat (7) s???l?p 5d rotatioal centre / a big hit on the line (4) 11d faithful follower / female with churchman,...
Chaps and chapesses I`m struggling with several-think I might have gone wrong somewhere 24d Are arranging another paper to return(8) I have R????E?? 26a Fence that is regularly picked up when...