22,10a - Moliere requires 3 seconds to contrive a comparatively oxymoronic theatrical cliché? 4,2,6 --s-/i-/---e 1d State capital no great thing, house overlooking it. 8 (ending in u-u?) muchas...
very slow today ...
1a Beginning of spring? That should get you going. (4,5)
8a Sack of fruit with old plant (8)
7d - Alliance lamenting jerks (9) a-----e--
Gracias en anticipatione...
13 a Brazil may be nothing to France, having the ultimate in restaurant food (8) beginning with N ... 24 a Epidemic in the city before 9 (6) P---U- 14a Tiny vase differed, as halved and returned in...
15d - standard chapter on interior design (9) c---e--i-n
18a - joining friendly us transportation company (5,7) union-a-i---
gracias in anticipatione...
4D Take an unnecessary risk in stste capital, supporting draw (5,10) tempt ....?
5d Type of treatment, a type they knock inside.(8,7)
Muchas gracias...
stuck on last two - 26a - Understood about place causing anger (6) -p-e--
18d - Behind adult not inclined to leniency (6) -s-e--
Muchas gracias en anticipatione...
6d - Little Christian and his log twice produced by ladies' seminary (5,4,6) 24a - Brak down to earh un an insincere way (8) - have H first letter? Srtruggling today - must be the heat Gracias por...
really struggling today .. 8a side's phoney complaints (8) ---e---5 9a extremely happy and sensible around animals (6) h----- 19d work during conflict in Times shown on successive days? (3-4) Muchas...