no word is a lie my left cheek was swollen and in severe pain its still flaring up as we speak but took ibrufen to take the swelling down it worked now seem to take it all the time why i didnt believe...
signed up to photo buket wat do you do now plese it keeps coming up server time out how do i get it to cb as i dont have no my space or bloggs wat ever they are thanks xx
how you all doing on this grotty wet morning in for the day i think but alas i have to go shopping another soaking already had one drenching as i went to work at 730 am have a nice day every one...
hav fun im off too bed good nite stew trigger b/brothers dot speak the morra about beta dris red steg kp kpn leg if you there dave meg m.t whiffy any one else gud nite from me and chico xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
got some nice brie any ideas wat to make a snack with it got tortillas and a nice btle of cava and some prawns you can all join me if you so wish need somthing quick and tasty nice on its own but oh...
did i get on the beta site went to it but told me i dont have a user name but i do its saying log in but already logged in as beads ison there aswell as whiffy and whicker man jugs also like your pic...
im back how you all doing been a kip for 4 hrs red i see you in love again with c/sod is he going to accept you in his life instead of hiding under the bed lol xxx
coming in for e dinner he want pc now cu latas wen he finished im setting chico on him forv spoiling me fun good after noon to you all off for me dinner and a kip if i can xxxx
got banned last night i went out and chico had no baby sitter kknuts your answers hav gone off my who thead last night why xxxx god did i miss somthing this is the road to hell music for this morning...