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I have literally hundreds of 35 mm colour negative strips which I want to digitise and put on CD and on my PC. Does anybody know of a good but cheap piece of kit to do this?
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Hi, does anybody remember the name of a gameshow from the early nineties? I can't remember a lot about it apart from at the end, they would go into like a big play area with ball pits and slides and...
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I taped this and the video conked out half way through. Anyone see it? Can you give me tell me what happened? I saw it up to the bit when they went to check in at Lima airport.
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Loosehead Ok there are a few cases where certain conditions exacerbate the problem but Perlease 99.99% of cases are self inflicted, eat too much, move too little...
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Did anyone else hear this on the news this morning? That we must give up eating meat and bread as it causes climate change! It's not April 1st is it? carolegif
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AB Asks
Nancy has always stuck by her man Sven Goran Eriksson. He has repeatedly cheated on his long suffering partner and he has been caught cheating once again. Nancy forced a confession from the old...
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What chocolate bars or sweets would you like to see back?
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In my folder containing word documents, how come some of the file names are in blue and others are in black? I've read that this has something to do with compression but I've never compressed these...
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I'm 22 exercise regular well at least between 2 -5 times a week. What vitamin supplemets should I be taking?
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having recently purchased a Samsung television set i have noticed i have a thin line going down the centre of the television screen thaty appears as though it is not tuned in.
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I am just about to make some individual steak and mushroom pies for dinner.Do you all make bases for your pies or just the lid ?
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Because of space limitations, this will have to be on two or more posts. As you can probably gather from my screen name I am a postman, and have been for the last 18years. Oddly enough, when I...
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What part of the carcass of a cow is "skirt". I have a recipe for pasties which refers to skirt of beef but such a description does not appear on my diagram showing cuts of beef?
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I was in a variety store today and saw Christmas decorations and such out for sale already. It was squished in between the back to school items and the Halloween costumes. As much as i loveChristmas,...
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Advice would be appreciated on what I can do please. I purchased a kitchen on the 11th August with B & Q and paid cash, the kitchen was delivered on the 26th September with two items missing (so far)...
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At Loch Laggan in the Highlands, from the main layby at the lochside on the A86, there is a prominant hill straight across the loch. Can anyone tell me what its name is? I've googled but can't get a...
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Do other countries have an annual road tax like we do?
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I have had 4 unsolicited marketing calls in the past hour. How do I stop this? I have got a Virgin cable line
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Have Cadbury's released WIspa bars yet? I was sure I saw a wrapper on the ground the other day..
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Where can I buy the green mesh that you sometimes see builders using on scaffolding etc? What's the proper name for it? I need some for covering metal fencing in the garden. Thanks.

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