Many thanks Hazlinny got it. Your expertise is greatly appreciated. teacher1 don't feel guilty. I had thought of the answer during a brainstorm before I saw your reply. Confirmation was appreciated....
Would greatly appreciate a clue/hint ( preferably fairly simple ) to the following: 1. The Scotsman has a row about George - who is not as powerful as he seems. ( 5, 5 ) 33. In hospital a poinsettia...
Would greatly appreciate hints on the following:
7. Callous but urge some solid protein. 4,6,3
42. Pacific flier is rolled up and bound with string. 8,4
Thanks in advance....
Still struggling with this one! Any clue will ease my aching brain.
74 - Public house staff get to save time inside for these managers...( 8 )
Many thanks in advance....
Would appreciate clues/hints for the following 35 Us transport that was plain or chosen otherwise ( 7, 8 ) 74 Public house staff get to save time inside for these managers... ( 8 ) First time post so...