thanks for removing the user legs dead baby though it did take a phonecall to you and also a post on here. hopefully any other filth like that will be spotted by you and the much hyped and talked... boarded the aeropuerto bus at 11.45pm and heading to tenerife south airport. tho i just got a text saying flight delayed. pooor pastys eh ???
i got a letter informing me id won a prize to the value of ?3750 pus a dayat the races in a private box with vip parking and champagne brunch hosted by Derek Thomsom from c4 racing anyone else this...
Hello all! Just thought I'd let you I will be on duty from 19:00 until 23:00. If you are having any problems with abusive or unsuitable posts, please don't hesitate to e-mail me at the address below:...
And anyone who wanted to know the link on the death of that young woman whos life was tragically cut short please reply to this if you want a newspaper link x
legsdeadbaby Fri 19/09/08 11:11 i would be so upset if you had a coronary and died.lay off the cakes + eat salad b4 u feel that tightening in your chest 999 SORT THIS FREAK OUT AND TEHN MAYBE WE WILL...
....or are there others out there who get really irritated at bad spelling? This board seems to be notorious for it. When I see something spelt incorrectly I just ITCH to correct it. Is it a...
These days. With the mechanical failure of many aging planes along side human error and the threat of terrorism. No wonder no body flies anymore. Its practically suicide.
Hi guys! Hope all is well in AB world. Before I go any further I should inform you that, as of next Wednesday, I will be taking over the Answer Bank reins as Miss Ed moves on to pastures new. I've...
Hey guys , there is a world of difference between flump1 (little old me ) and the greeny flump2 who appears to have crawled out from some tip somewhere. I am aware flump2 is bothersome, whereas I am...