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24a supernatural spirit in eastern folklore _j_n_s 29a standart english language keyboard layout _w_r_y
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just had i pod touch as a present , have put songs onto it . But how do i delete the songs from the ipod ?
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easiest way to make orange sauce for duck , many thanks
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could you please help . Am doing duck in orange sauce on sunday for girlfriend , can i buy the sauce in any supermarker
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can i buy the sauce from supermarket
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if i buy a nano ipod can i put the songs fron axureus that i have downloaded to the ipod
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if i buy a nano ipod can i transfer music from azureus to my ipod
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i was in a bar and the bar person put ice into a vodka drink . the person who asked for the drink said no ice . The barman then put the vodka back into the vodka bottle after it has been in contact...
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22a thick pad used as a surface for wrestling judo etc _ _t 15d so i awoke and behold it was a _ john bunyan . the pilgrims progress d_e_ _ 21d thick rough woolen fabric often made with mixed colours...
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12a round case of puff pastry with a savoury filling literally flight in the wind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9d metric unit of area equivalent to 2.471acres 14d basic si unit of electric current equal to a...
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37d former european gold silver coin used especially in italy or the netherlands d_c_t
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18d period in japanese history 1867-1912 following the overthrow of the shoguns m_i_i
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15a herbert von ? austrian conductor born 1909-89_ _r_ _ _ _
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21a an increased susceptibility to foreign material owing to a previous introduction _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a_ _ _ 23d the european plant rhinanthus minor _ _l_o_ r_t_l_ 35d british 16+examination now replaced...
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32a homers epic trojan war poems _l_a_
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29d trade mark of a fuel oftern used in the absence of piped mains supply c_ _ _r_a_ 38d in german legend , an alchemist who sold his soul to the devil _a_s_
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source of illumination once used for transmitting morse code a_d_d _a_p 25d part of the pacific between australia and new zealand t_s_ _ _ _s_a36d one per second is now known as the hertz _y_l_
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4d in golf the former name for a number 2 wood , i thought it was brassie iv got _r_s_y
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17a ruler of deira an anglo saxon kingdom of britain from 632 to 633 , also the name of a coutier in shakespeare's hamlet _ _ _ _ _ 24a in italy one hundreth of the old lira and now of the euro _e_ _...
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9a childrens tv progamme about a puppet and his friends _n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1d a kind of lace named after the finance minister of louis x1v _o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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