Well must leave you all now as dont think its rite to be on same site as your partner( well not in my case as we live apart n want her to have her fun) i would never read her text messages on her...
Always wonderd if they really do bring down evil spirits.Tried it once a long time ago as i was a real sceptic n thought it would not work so i tried it with a few friends n boy oh boy did it...
hi all,i have just set up my tft screen and web-cam on my com,had to get rid of my monitor to big n bulky.I was just wondering if there are any worthwhile sites to visit out there..n no filthy ones...
Well it seems to me that im`e losing rite now.My lovely girfriend is addited to ab,she is on it morn noon n night most days.I know its fun i have been on it a few times myself n really enjoyed it,but...
I have just cleared my(larger than i thought)garden of weeds & brambles(27 sacks & 8 bales of twigs) I also managed to cut down 1 of 4 large conifers..Which i have now shredded thanks 2 a...
As i said in an earlier question my baby starts school in september...I've been listening to desperate midwives on BBC3 & i'm suddenly feeling VERY broody..When my 1st was born i didn't really...
Not so much of a Q more of an outburst...I've been doing a spot of gardening & kinda neglected my house hold duties but it was only for 3 days so why the ruddy hell does it look like its been...
Next year, my wife has suggested we take her parents (50's) and her niece and nephew (13 and 10) to Spain. We'd therefore need somewhere that has kids/teens clubs, a pool and decent self catering...