10d. I have Fleet Streeter for the answer but seem to be two letters short in the first word according to the clue (7-8). Any ideas gratefully received.
Does anyone else think that the clue to 29d "Jupiter's counterpart in ancient Rome" is incorrect? I have ?E?S and I'm sure that the clue should be, "Jupiter's counterpart in ancient...
Last one - 22d. Most lethargic (9) D - O - S - E - T
I can only think of drowsihed (after Spenser) but this doesn't work with the E and T.
Help please....
Stuck on three. 28d. In Heraldry, an extra ornament outside of the shield (10) - - - I - A - E - T. 15a. Shrub or small tree related to hawthorn (11) - O - O - E - S - - -. 16d. tortured, irritated...
Struggling. Any help greatly appreciated. 5DOWN Female reproductive cell in algae and fungi (8) O-S-H-R-. 19 ACROSS The 17th century in italian art and literature. (8) ---C---O 14 DOWN To be further...
1 D In finance, range of currencies or investments, typically used to manage an exchange rate.
B - S - E - ( 6 )
Many thanks in advance and Merry Christmas....