Mixed together , put in a baguette , add lettuce , cucumber , and onions. Wash down with a cold beer . Then stand well back as its very potent. DID THIS HELP ?
drinking water from? We've just been informed that they are putting a machine on that will charge us 20p per plastic cup of water. Would you pay this if your work did this? We're on the phones all day...
Wondering what constitutes PROOF online ? Ive read certain users use the piccy neede as PROOF line adnauseum. But in all honesty , what do you count as conclusive PROOF ? What is the ultimate PROOF...
I am going to stop work, and have dinner early, I am having bacon, two fried eggs, beanz, mushrooms, walls sausage,and fried bread, and i hope all you overwieght people, enjoy your salad lunches,...
I've just been out in the Land Cruiser that I've borrowed for a couple of days, and I was listening to Parliament on the radio. The Prime Minister was asked a question about amusement arcades on...
soya milk, i have just had some on my cornflakes,It's very good, think i will carry on using it, although iv'e been told you can't boil it, is this so, ?
Partly a gaming question I know but do any of you think a Nintendo DS Lite is suitable for my child about to turn 4 yrs old or will they be too young to play games on it. One of her friends has one...
This is for all who wants to argue so that they don't have to do it on other people's perfectly interesting threads, when the argument has nothing to do with it! Thank you!
I caught the end of an interesting discussion on the radio the other day and I was nodding in agreement with............. 1. Wearing socks with open-toed sandals 2. Wearing white socks (and/or even...
Ive heard some crap cover versions .In particular celine dionnes version of the acdc classic you shook me all night long. But. Whats your favourite cover version? I have a few that i like but i find...
After a lot of deep thought. Ive come to the conclusion . That theers no duller or more boring SPORT than cricket. What a load of balls really. Are you a fan? " ? Wednesday , middle of the week and...
I have decided, should my forthcoming and perilous, transatlantic relationship not evolve, offer myself as a sugar daddy. I am a really good looking 49 yr old, my own house, car and American camper. I...
Well its that time again. Its been a while . But evry so often i post this question for anynew members or others who've since tried it. So here it is yet again. Who out there has lickesd someones...