My next door neighbour who was an unmarried mother of about 17yrs, moved in with her hoodie loud mouthed b/f about 3 years ago. They have been a problem since day one with loud disturbances, an early...
i have just been digging the faeces out of my bottom and licking it because im so dehydrated. There are some maggots but not as many as last night. I can hardly breathe and when i do my breath is so...
Heard of onecalled the drizzly bear diet. What you do is you start dieting because youre overweight. Then when youve lost a few stone , in a feeble attempt to run with the crowd , you start to make...
Should i leave here and come back with a different attitude. Am i rude to you . Am i truthfull. Have you mostly been of great help to me Am i grateful my thanx to the people who are wise and you know...
There used to be 7 words you could never say on tv. But now in this day and age how many of them do you think are said on tv? I will listb them with slight variations to circumvent the swear filter....
is full off orange balloons how do i get rid of them had to hide them for now to get on answer bank omg plese tell me as i havent had pc on all day till now hi all xxxxxxx monty xxxxxxxx
I hope every one is feeling great I am because the 1st of july is my birthday whooooo hooo any one with any facts on this date would be great .. I knw one I was born.. lol xx
number 3 purchased today, was in b&q to buy some paint and there was the orange goddess just pleading with me to buy it so i did and now my car washing utensils reside in orange bucket number 3, are...