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based on what little we know of each other, what superhero names would you come up with for fellow AB'ers eg...... mrs_o = 'magnificent marigold' tonyav = 'captain automobile' ---- just for fun, of...
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on here this morning.
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We used to have these quite often in the "Good Old Days". Anything going to develop tonight, then? I have for rent, at reasonable costs, tin helmets, pea-shooters, portions of Anderson shelters,...
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There are some bands whose output simply defies belief in terms of the enormity if its impact on fans. For me, its led Zeppelin, no matter how many times I have played their music over the last...
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Captions please: To open, "Mrs Cameron, can I have an Alaskan Bombe please?"...
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- - - at the new job a very organised and professional company...
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199 best answers who'd have thunk ? may have 200 soon ? muchy muchy thanks to all my friendx.....
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To fall in love with someone you don't find physically attractive? I never have. So that begs the question, is love (romantic love that is) nothing more than a sexual urge? Just curious what others...
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OH has just told me he has tickets to go with the Most Haunted Team to the secret bunker in Fife....I am quite excited..will either laugh myself to death or pee my is quite a scary place in...
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18a part of how I think, positioned thus ?i?h?? 19d how stars appear chivalrous in audition ????t?y 22a comfortable in soldiers arms, just the opposite ?n??...
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Blocked holes in the toilet. A friend is desperate, she has tried scrubbing, I suggested limescale remover but she had already tried that. Is the only answer a new loo?...
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How are you all?
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After my recent outburst on here which was deemed out of order by most,should I maybe give myself a cooling of period before posting again,the reason for asking is that i still feel that I was totaly...
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1st brandy of the night ...believe me i need it.!!!
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My door-bell went this morning. That's the third time this week it's been nicked....
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The show must go on.
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my news for today - - - - well, i shall let my avatar do the talking time for a small celebratory sherry...
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A Scottish lady come round and decorated my bathroom. All the while singing Eclipse of the Heart. She was a Bonnie Tiler. Eclipse of the Heart...

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