Help! with these three. Haven't got a clue! 20ac In Ireland, John locates Dutch car I?D?N 23ac Pantomime produced by swine enteined with another animal C?I?A?E 26ac Lord, for example, found in lounge...
11 across sharpened steel is it blade? 19 down one assisting in church procession a?o?y?e 21 down thing combining different elements ?y?r?d Thanks in advance
help please stuck on last two. 7a what clicks with small animal _o_s_ 10a among jockeys, a riding garment from india._a_i i tought this might be sari but it makes no sense to me
help please stuck on last two. 7a what clicks with small animal _o_s_ 10a among jockeys, a riding garment from india._a_i i tought this might be sari but it makes no sense to me
Any help appreciated please 1 Do policeman holiday here 2 Procedure used for metal repairing 3 May turn grey in time 4 Had she had a proposal 5 A hundred........sweetheart 6 Pin it on to win Many...
1 West Ham gets three steps closer to Wembley 2 Based around Polaris 3 Notes 4 A descending career in the RAF 5 Found on board Many thanks for any help