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Diabetes UK Horsham support group fundraising quiz. 'Where on earth is that'? Locations in the UK. Clues are general knowledge, cryptic and anagrams. Please send ?1 and SAE to Bill and Janet Woodford,...
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Has anybody any hints for the following clue. I have sent mine in but completely forgotten how we got an answer to this. 'short cut in which each year a man returns to prison with a gangster.' (6,5)...
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Our fundraising quiz 'Where on earth is that'? is still available. Closing date 30th April. Answers are all locations in the UK. Clues are a mixture of general knowledge, cryptic and anagrams. Please...
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'Where on earth is that?' This quiz is still available - closing date April 30th. Clues are general knowledge, cryptic and anagrams. Answers are all locations in the UK. If you would like to have a go...
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Diane - hope you use this site - we have the money for our new quiz but no SAE or address to send it to. The quiz is called 'where on earth is that?' and is locations in the UK. If you would like us...
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Horsham and District Diabetes UK support group. This quiz follows on from Location, Location, Location but none of the answers are duplicated. All the answers are locations in the UK and the clues are...
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The Saturday Telegraph has gone in the recycling this morning and I didn't keep the link words from the crossword. Could somebody tell me what they were please?
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We have a few copies of our quiz left. If you haven't already sent for one why not give it a go? 100 questions with GK, crytptic and anagram clues - all answers begin with M. Closing date 31st August....
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Have you sent for our second quiz? Miscellaneous Mayhem. 100 questions of general knowledge, cryptic and anagram clues. All answers begin with M. Please send a cheque for ?1 (payable to W.J.Woodford)...
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Diabetes UK Horsham support group. Our second quiz is now ready. Miscellaneous Mayhem. All answers begin with M. 100 questions with general knowledge, cryptic and anagram clues. Closing date 31st...
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Last chance to send for our quiz. All answers are locations in the UK. Clues are GK, cryptic and anagrams. ?1 (payable to W.J.Woodford) and SAE to Bill and Janet Woodford, 102, Corsletts Ave,...
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Another mistake!! No 91 is 9 letters and not 11.
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Please note that the answer to No 43 is 9 letters and not 8 as printed on the sheet. Also the first word in No 82 can have an alternative spelling of 12 letters. Many thanks to those of you who have...
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This is our first attempt at setting a quiz!! It is fundraising for Diabetes UK Horsham Support Group. 100 questions made up of general knowledge, cryptic clues and anagrams. Closing date March 31st....
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can anybody help me with S (10), TB (3,8), KJ (8,4) and TLL (3,4,4). All answers are films connected with animals - not necesasarily in the title.
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can anybody help us with 5d please. One who is better than outward appearances suggest. (6,3) We have s?n?e?c c?t.
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We are stuck on number 1. Fires the apprentices. (3,4,5) The answer will be sweetness or light. Any ideas gratefully received.
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granny grump - I did reply to your question about the fruit and veg quiz but put it on a new posting so you may not have looked. I sent it on 25th october at 08.25. If you can't find it I will supply...
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Hi grannyrrump. the kidney cancer UK quiz is due in on 31st December and has to be sent to KCUK Quiz, c/o 4 Trelissick Fields, Hayle, Cornwall. TR27 6HZ. The quiz has 50 questions and I have enjoyed...

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