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If you do, what sets you off?
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Check all the usual comparison sites and then when you have made your choice, don't buy from the comparison site. Go to your chosen insurers web site and the insurance will be cheaper still. (I saved...
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Mine is the Four Yorkshiremen. Brilliant!
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We were notified in advance that the gas board were doing some work in the street that would cause "minimal disruption to residents." I got up this morning to find they've dug up the road at...
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In a woman, do you prefer skinny, normal or cuddly build?
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When I was ironing this morning, Mr O was sitting and watching me. I pointed out that ironing is not a spectator sport and he replied "I just like to look at you." He does this often and it...
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I'm being driven insane by hourly calls from Santander - they are recorded messages. No one in the house has an account with them. How can I stop them?
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I'm mentioned by name in the AB March newsletter. I can die happy now lol
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My friend has cried off. Owt on TV?
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What does everyone else have planned?
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I love this one
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I won't use my local hospital - I insist on referrals to one further afield. This is one example of why - they set a patient on fire during an operation! http://www.independen...-surgery-7468945.html...
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Near the top of my screen is a message which says Internet explorer has modified this page to help prevent cross site scripting. How do I get rid of it please?...
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I harbour a secret longing to have a go at stand up comedy
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Please watch/listen to this, it is hysterical
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One of my kids would have the name Campervan
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The following celebrities have all died in recent times: Bob Hope, Johnny Cash, Steve Jobs, Jimmy Saville. We now have no Hope, no Cash, no Jobs and no one to fix it!...
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At the bank today I obtained a mini statement and found £25 had been taken by a company I have never heard of. I was in hospital on the day in question and my debit card was in my possession at...
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Previously, I've never had any problems after a GA. I had an operation on Thursday and I'm home now, but I can't keep awake and feel permanently groggy. I even fell asleep on the loo this afternoon!...
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Last week I posted about my early Valentines pressie from Mr O - a guillotine for cutting paper. This morning he surprised me with another pressie - a hot glue gun. Useful - yes, romantic - no!

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