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17. Blow out on a windy day 39. Taking skins off potatoes for these men 49. Seems to come from nowhere, a season inside a hedge 50. This one was the Queens mother 85. Mash the tates 115. Two chasing...
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the song "Heaven Let Your Light Shine Down", by Collective Soul, what album was this on???
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heading to bear station 4,5,2,10 polite italian males 5,9,2,6
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last two! sprightly monster lizard moves east _ _ _ L _ musical variations on old german machine E_ _ _ _A Thanks in advance
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As a young stay at home mum, I remember watching a magazine type program at lunchtimes. There was a group of women chatting or in the kitchen cooking. It was all quite proper, not at all like Loose...
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beyone used to be in which group?
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answer connected with dancing 27. What did you say? (6,2) Thanks for any help
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Two Germans are walking over a bridge. One is the farther of the other one's son. What relation are they?
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why not we've almost tried everything else
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what about numbers ...................songs with numbers in the title! no googling remember "i am the one and only"
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my 5yr old is at school and is always talking about her friends.I am an older mum late 40,s and am not really that sociable so i dont chat to other mums in the playground,jusy pick my little girl up...
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jane mark 2
1. D.R.D; 2. M.T.W; 3. T.W.S: 4. F.C. 5. T.A.O.B.B; 6. A.H; 7. E.T.T.C: Can you help please. J.
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Please help - 29 across Odd length for notes, it's thought 9 lettters R - - - N - - - D 9 across A boy and girl fed cheese 7 letters G - - R - - -
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Eastern believers 4 and 8 ?A?? ???S?N?S Caribbean believers R?S??? 6 letters Middle Eastern believers I?M????? 8 letters Thanks so much!!!!
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rt19 p s s p m y l l i e e e o
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Everybody's Limelight 7,7,2,4 Plane Wild Horse 1,5,3,7 First Course for Dectet 7,3,3 Super Heroes 9,4 Spartan Film Title 5,7 These are the last of my number riddles - thank you to all who gave me...
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What goes up a chimney down but not down a chimney up?
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Food or drink in the song title 65. MPSR by GR & HSE 76. HH by A 84. PEAL by M 87. L by U2 98. CP by LZ Hope you can help me
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granny grump
AHHHHHHHHH thought I had finished and I have found 1 that I missed. Can you help me please? Answer is food related 41 Baby Bell, Magno and Nelson (I know that Babybel is a cheeese but can't find the...
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granny grump
Please can you help me finish these 2 quizzes? Songs with food in the title 72 TCS by SI 73 SFMS by TD 81 IAACD by TW 82 CS by O 83 MPT by DDS 88 CG by DB Birds Needs an aphrodisiac (13) Many thanks...

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