if you could live one day over and over again what would the day be or more specifically the event that makes you want to live it over and over again??????? tia
Redcrx honey , didn't know how to get you , I tried knocking on my screen but you didn't hear me . Pop over to Psychicks thread as things seem to be moving along nicely , or should I say painfully now...
found this while trawling/ well link from a mutual friend, some good questions and topics on there. i believe some of you go there too. http://z11.invisionfree.com/happyhome/index.ph p
A German, a Japanese and an Irishman are sitting in a jacuzzi. The German starts to beep. He presses his arm and explains to his colleagues that he has just received an email. He has had the latest...
1. Don't you just want to punch me in the face? 2. Has my point been made yet? 3. Is there a point? 4. Oi B00, where's my cake & a half then? HTH DTH? FYI GFY TVM
To drivel, or not to drivel, is this a question? Whether 'tis knobend in the mindless suffering or The lies and deceipt of outrageous drivel, Or to take arms against a sea of Scottishers, And by...