o.k youve kown a gal for a while and you like her and you think she likes you, would you txt her bk near enough instantly, or would u wait a while?(hour or so). even after roughly an 8 month...
Being the busy people that we are in the office we are trying to work out if the letters on the back of smarties lids mean anything or spell a word or are they just random! So far we have two J's and...
I suffer with a shaving rash on my neck wich the official terms is pycosis barbi does anyone have any good tips as in razors any gels or creams which dont irritate and has any one gone from wet...
I keep getting e-mails from people asking me to fill in my details for this "ipods giveaway". Now the site says if they get just 9 people signing up with they're e-mail addy they...
Sorry I just need a really quick answer and didn't know where to put this. Does anyone know the phone number for Royal Mail parcel tracking service? V.v.v.v urgent!
I have been working for the same company for the past 3 years and used to love my job but recently I have become complacant (sp) and am beginning to hate working here. My work load is almost non...
I live about 2/3 miles from a peaceful permanent Gipsie caravan park. There are about 20 caravans that have been here for many years, all nicely kept and very private with no trouble. In the last few...
I have recently seen quite a few people wearing t-shirts with a monkey (well more of a gorilla) wearing a crown on them! I really like the design and was hoping someone out there knew the name of the...
If I download a movie on my computer, I have no problems with the download I just can't seem to play it! The file saves to my desktop but my windows media player doesn't open. Anyone know how I can...
I have come up with an idea for a website that I think (I may be wrong) nobody has thought of yet. If I do decide to create it I stand to make alot of money so how do I know some big company isnt...