Last two 13 across A university in the place Aunt Lucy calls home (4) I thought Peru but I have ?e?r 25 across Very thin woman who employed Madame Doubtfire for work (4) ?I?E
4 down Model type Kate perhaps gets out of head being (5)
Keep thinking model T and Kate being Shrew but then Threw and being doesnt make sense...
Seem to have answers but not sure how they work ! 53across Chords urge to follow piano in endless songs (9) A?P?G?I?S Thinking arpeggios but dont seethe "endless songs " 38down Stress a lot of US cash...
10 across End in sight in vegan fresh fruit harvest (8) V?N?A?G?
12 down See gossip rejected in this poem ending in pleasant dreams (11)
24 across Beast drops university to take on a family of writers (6)
Can you explain why it is Bronte please ? I have been trying to think of a beast take out the "u" and add "a"...