help..14d.."former 13 ?,thats essentially impossible"..?s?i...thought it might be slang etc for e/german prior to the wall coming down but havnt got a clue
26a Home town of Tony Loughman, former Irish Country music promoter. I know the answer is Castleblaney which has 12 letters, but there are 13 spaces. The letters I have are C-S-L-B-A-N-Y - . Is there...
11a Birds hop up and down, round the golf course (9) B - B - L - N -S 14A Players appearing one by one (6) E - - - E - 15D A person's features I scan - sound sense! (8) - - E - R - W - Thanks for any...
Help please 42 down The first line of a paragraph set as the final lineof a page or column considered undesirable in typesetting ?r?h?n 45 down Fabric resembling velvet a?n?e Thanks tristar
Ok all you smart solvers, why can't I solve 6dn 'Winged one-seed fruit of the ash, maple or elm trees' (6 letters, ?A?A?A)? Any help appreciated. Where I come from these were always known as 'keys''
21In England you are never more than 75 miles from were 22 Englands most iconic & popular bird 23 London St is the Bank of England to be found 24 What is sauce Anglaise 25 Whose motto Dieu et mon...
21In England you are never more than 75 miles from were 22 Englands most iconic & popular bird 23 London St is the Bank of England to be found 24 What is sauce Anglaise 25 Whose motto Dieu et mon...
1. the ploy met destruction as an egyptian ruler was named - p?ol??? 2. maoris run around with a little bear - e?s?????r 3. practise needlecraft - ???t 4. entice - t?m?? . Any help much appreciated...