Hi, just wondered whether my fellow AB'ers put collars on their cats? I know that there is the safety issue of the cat getting caught by their collar, so does this mean that the collars with the...
i need to find out if there are any sort of camps out there that can help my son.We are struggling to cope with his behaviour and he getting more and more aggressive towards us. Social services say...
My pup keeps scratching her ears, to the point where she squeals. The vet has had a look and thinks theres nothing wrong and so I was thinking of getting a victorian collar for her to wear when I'm...
has any one got any oppinions on medication for this my sons age 11 and his school has asked for him to be tested for this so i'm waiting for appointment but wanted some advice so i'm more prepared
The past few nights there has been a cat wondering around outside my house crying awfully. It sounds almost as if it's in pain although I've never been able to see close enough. I have come to the...
Does anyone know where i can get a bottle (or 2 ) of COTY MELLOW MUSk perfume. It is over 12 years old so it may not be around. My hubby is dying of a brain tumour and i wore it on my wedding day and...
I have many years experience of being a teacher, but lately I have come across a couple of children who are just nasty. I don't know about their upbringing or background, but for 7 year olds, they are...
My 11 week old boy has dropped his midlle of the night feed & is effectively sleeping through the night (yeah!) except he has a dummy which I fear he is dependant on. I hated the thought of...
can anyone recommend a good website for advice on how to deal with a bullying teacher. Lots offering advice on bullying but nothing when the teacher is the bully
hi, i have a sort of built in cupboard thing in my room and after clearing it out i found loads of black mold. its an outside wall (not sure if thats relevant). how can i wash it off and stop it...
My cat has been missing about 4 weeks, I'm maybe clutching at straws but we think some one else was feeding him, you know, wet nights he would appear happy, full and dry and they may have stolen him....
We have a 5 and half month old puppy and recently changed his diet to include puppy dog canned food. Now his poo's are really runny. At the moment I feed him half a can of meat with dried puppy food...
Not much info on Answerbank on this .I understand this tablet helps with sleep and sleep patterns. It seems a bit worrying that it only seems available online and not at Health Food Stores and not...
Does anyone got a dog toilet in their garden? If so how good is it at degrading down and how quick? I have 2 collies and have to try to get rid of their waste in the garden as the council are...
has anyone else seen on sky news that the latest thing to own is a black xmas tree..and the stores reckon they will have sold out in a few weeks ...i think they sound dreadfull..trees are supposed to...
I was watching the Jamie Oliver food programme last night and could have cried. It was so very depressing to see what food is served to our children at school and in the home. It proved many things to...