there are 3 pictures which put together form the name of a well known breed of dog. the first three are. the chinese flag. cress and a teddybear. which i think is a chinese crested. the next 3...
mindless people as i heard in play (8) A _ _ _ E _ D _ a doctor with queen and onetime consort (not british) gives warning (5,5) _ _ _ _ R _ _ _ _ _ official nipped in rear unfortunatley (7) A _ _ _ T...
strict on cast this evening (5) _ _ G _ _ local team is split (8) _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ a pleasing view through surrounding street (5) V _ S _ _ loves a pary resolution (6) _ _ _ R _ S summer days inside...
a county council employer is the one to blame (7) - - - - - - R MINDLESS PEOPLE AS I HEARD IN A PLAY (8) _ _ _ _ E _ _ _ Berks cut rates (5) A _ _ _ _ resign as head? partly its a grind (5) G _ _ _ H...
quikly left swedish superstore with photograph (4.1.4) A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bond admits having gone too far with sexy females (6) N _ _ _ _ _ releasing energy possibly, makes a sweeping statement (10) _...
my daughter bought me a sky package for my birthday. it was all fitted today and is up and running. i usually get the tv times but is there are sky mag out there that would give me more information...
can anyone who has the magazine find sammy squirell. i have looked and looked and cant find him. am i going mad ? what page number is he on. thanks for any replys
i'm sorry if i'm on the wrong site for this question, i'm going to spain over christmas does anyone know how many cigarettes i can bring back and is it best to buy them at stanstead airport (here) or...