Is there a doctor in the house, snappy is glued to his keyboard, please someone help him !!! For gods sake snappy dont go to the toilet before the paramedics get there lol
hi my mums fav film is "on golden pond" does anyone know where i can find the dvd of it as its her bday soon and i would really be thankful please write back x x x x
I know, I don't wear a halo and was barred for trying out the swear filter, but tonight I was disgusted by two videos shown in the Chatterbank by nedflanders and have reported the question. I've a...
Please, please, please don't put anything about Lost in the question bit, where it can be seen without clicking on the question! I missed it last night and am gonna watch it on Sunday, thanks
Hi there, I'm compiling a 'book' as a present for my mother who loves all that alternative/natural/old fsioned remendy type stuff. The book is for her for Christmas. I plan to present it...
1.2.3. in with the good threads out with the bad in with the good threads out with the bad in with the good threads ..and hold...2.3.4. and relax....... now thats better lots of good karma...
I know you're all spleeping, or passed out. I extend the hand of friendship and hope you all have a jolly fine day - no exceptions. I'm here for days like these. Smiles to AB posters and flings out a...