I use my library all the time and we have a superb library service here in Norfolk.Do others use their local library or does everyone buy books these days.Of course people have to have books for...
Why does my cat "chatter" his jaws together whenever he sees a bird, especially when in the house sitting on the window sill looking out, or in the middle of the lawn ?
I've been looking at a thread in the Internet & Technology pages and noticed the number of people who are unimpressed with PC World - so here's a question: 'From which national store do you get...
I was minding my own business, scaling down a wall this morning, when all of a sudden a hand swiped me for no reason whatsoever! I think i landed in a bin. No major damage caused, just a slight stress...
3 medium size bananas weigh approximately 1 pound.A cluster of bananas is called a hand and consists of 10 to 20 bananas, which are known as fingers.As bananas ripen, the starch in the fruit turns to...
I know this is a really icky question, but does anyone know how to get knickers really white?? I mean, how do you get rid of those stains? It doesn't seem to be a stain that washing powders own up to...