Hey cat, come here, close yer eyes and grab me arm, tee hee follow me, oops watch the step, thats it keep going, hey no peeping now, we're nearly there, just one more step. Right open yer eyes...
Mr Ab Ed i know you are busy but is there any chance you can change to poll on the fornt page as the school summer holiday have been over for quite a while now!! Maybe something to do with...
Hi Ed
have you always been the Ed since the dawn of AB time or were you conscripted at a later date? Also, because i'm being nosey, what was the day that the AB launched?
b13thy x
i am drunk but not that drunk, why do they questions in chatterbank keep moving up and down the list? a few questions were posted after my ebay one, then it was back at the top!
In honour of the girls out there on CB who have been treated badly by their men, I'd like to dedicate this thread to you. Please feel free to add your anti-men jokes. :o)WHAT NOT TO SAY TO A...
If you take your first pets name and you mothers maiden name you get your porn star name - have a go From now on in i wish only to be addressed as Lady Burton!
I'm new to all this, but could some kind person help me. How do you put photos, pictures and links to other sites on here. Please keep it very very simple for...
Well I must be off to bed now *big yawn and stretch* God I do hope that no-one makes a big fuss tommorrow about it being my 1st AB birthday!! well g'night everyone. x x
Have you done anything recently that's suddenly made you feel very young or very old? Amusing tales very welcome. :-) I'll tell you mind in answers! :-)
In a station of the MetroThe apparition of these faces in the crowd;Petals on a wet, black bough. I have to write a page about this poem! I dont even know where to start. I'm not asking anyone...
Ihave just read the book and was a bit disappointed in it. I was expecting more of a mystery.
Am I getting old and jaded?
Does anybody else feel the same?
Im 9mths pregnant due in 5 days.when was 6mths pregnant i had a big arguement with my husband and it got very physical.I wanted to leave him but im afraid im depenent on him financially.im kenyan and...