Hey all...this may have belonged in Body & Soul but it's quite chatty I think sooo... A male friend and I were discussing relationships yesterday. I said that in my experience of...
Does this mean, "he is annoying me so much, I'll take a swing at him" ie hit him, OR does it mean "he is annoying me so much, I'll kill him" therefore I will be hanged for murder? Anyone sure?
Good Morning, from across the Big Blue! To those of you who have expressed your concern and sympathy for those here in the US affected by Katrina...now I'm asking you to please help us.... Visit The...
it seems to be acceptable if you through abuse at people on this site as long as you put lol or hahahaha at the end of the slanderous remark!! let me quote pixi I'll kick yer head in if you get cheeky...
I am a naughty naughty girl - I have just had an answer pulled for no real reason! Remember the suggestion 'spice up AB'? Well I made a valid point about how CB is used to chatter so that we...
Hi lindapinda, just thought I'd give an up-date on Minna, Hilary and I took her back to the vets tonight, crying all the way there and back!.... the vet was really pleased with her with how her...
This is NOT an essay question.. I'm interested to hear your views... Did modern society create the tabloid press... or has the tabloid press created modern society?
I have recently had an operation and will be off work for a fair time. I have read a few Steinbeck, Ian Banks , my favourite book is Trinity by Leon Uris. I like murder mysteries, etc, but am fed up...
What is the meaning of "fire up", "bombed", "got him in the ground" in the following sentences? "Forrest(Ray's younger brother and a drug addict) called me last night." "This can't be...
Where exactly would I find Shakespeare's description of a glutton, which goes (I think): 'He so o'ercloys his system with his cates that commonly they do him little good '
Went into ASDA and asked where the Fruit Shoots were, sales assistant said "They have all been moved down an aisle to make way for the Xmas Decorations and Stock that will be on that aisle next week!"...
I love this scene in Father Ted:-Mrs Doyle: Would you like a cake, Father?{holds up a cupcake}Father Ted: No thanks, Mrs Doyle.Mrs Doyle: Are you sure, Father? There's cocaine in it!Father Ted:...
Ok, apparently there are three words in the English language that end in 'gry'. One is hungry, another is angry...what is the third? It's doing my head in!