i have been poring over this one clue for ages, and slowly going cross-eyed....bet it's right in front of me too! A member of an ancient greek school of philosophy founded by Zeno. s - o - p Thanks
17 down: Girls and unmarried young women -come home! M-S-I-S Something with miss but can't think what. Only discovered this site recently, brilliant idea. Thanks.
i have two clues to fill in, but unfortunately part of the clues have been torn out and i dont know the questions... the one is 50d which looks as if it could be 'input', the other one is 52a and i...
I just realised that I've recorded over my "Buffy" film! No, No, No!!! Had it for years, long before the series started, HELP. Where could I get another copy? Any ideas folks? sob, sob