My daughter and son-in-law currently live in Canada. He works but my daughter doesn't. Canada has an agreement for Social Service benefits to be claimed but I am a bit confused as to what these...
Have acquired this printer from my daughter because of its flat bed scanner facility which mine didn't have. She said it was working ok but I cannot get it to print anything. Done all the tests,...
I have a property which has been up for sale for nearly a year now. I applied for and obtained a 50% reduction in Council Tax last year but am just wondering if I can claim again for this next year?
recently been diagnosed as being diabetic but cannot get blood sugar testing kit on NHS as my PCT no longer fund these. Told that urine testing is equally as good. Since using this method there is no...
video clips taken with my camera have the extension .mov which I can neither watch on my PC nor send as email attachment. Anybody know an easy way to convert to .avi or jpeg?
I have recently lost the ability to bring up the console. After playing for several months, I found some cheat codes online which I used to considerable advantage. I am currently trying to find a...
I have searched online but cannot seem to find a definite answer to whether an over 60's bus pass can be used throughout the entire UK or just your country of residence. e.g can I use my TFL freedom...