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I have come across the term "white van drivers" a few times lately in posts under different Topics, and the term seems to be used in a derogatory manner. Could someone please tell me what the...
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Is there a polite way to tell a person they have terrible BO?
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From Friday's MasterChef, which of the following quotations is NOT by John "Toad" Torode or Gregg "Pasty" Wallace ? 1) Call them Creme Collapso 2) Oooo ! 3) Today is about delivering great food 4)...
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It's in a very provisional stage, but nobody has left for a while which is dull, so I thought I would. I do not want to hear how much everybody loves me, indeed I would prefer to get the "good...
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Does anyone else have a really, really interesting little known fact? Mine is: if it wasn't for peanut-butter, hedgehogs would not be able to fly helicopters.
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I have just found out that my younger brother has found my passwords for answerbank and hotmail and he has been sending out random rubbish to people. I have looked in my threads and am disguted by...
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If Answerbankers HAD to choose on a TOTAL ban of ALL forms of religion OR a total ban on all forms of alcohol , in our society , how would they vote ?
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Have you got any ambitions in life? have you fulfilled them or are you still waiting? If you havn't done them yet, what's stopping you? when i was younger I had 3 ambitions, 1) see the place where...
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More severe penalties for using phones in the car: m but I have noticed that in any situation the ringing phone is like an itch that must be scratched....
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i am but a stranger to you all but if i was bleeding and dying in the street, would you help or just pass on by/ i'm interested in people reaction to the situation.
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Who wants to go out with me ? I am good-looking beyond belief, have pots of money, a heart of gold, and a Lotus Exige. No time-wasters please. crete, you keep that taxi ticking over at Glasgee station...
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at what age do you think a child should be out of a cot and in a bed, im arguing with my daughter on this, thanks
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AB Editor
To get debating today, the 'AB Asks' subjects can be found in the following topics - 'Body and Soul' and 'News'
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AB Asks
Poor old Tony is under scrutiny once again. The man cannot seem to get a thing right in the eyes of the public. Mr Blair has been questioned over the cash for honours affair. He said: "I am not going...
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AB Asks
The power of a cup of tea is amazing. It rehydrates the body as well as water and the goodness it is packed full of can protect against heart disease. Tea also contains fluoride which is great for...
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Where IS he?
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Have been reviewing additional security and such after being in the house while broken into twice and having someone try to get into my flat a few months ago. How safe do you feel? Do you live in a...
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which would you choose to have if you had to!! 1. flu 2. migrain 3. back ache 4. tooth ache 5. racism lecture and full english with jade goody?
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AB Asks
Britain is a nation of binge drinkers, going out on a Saturday night and drinking until standing becomes a tricky task. Women are predominantly the accused for drinking far too much. With new research...
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Why can't women throw and run like men

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