The theme is money matters any help greatly appreciated thank you in advance 2, ...... But in Holland it is shared (5,5) 7, alleged rent is a suitable payment (5,6) 16, as a rule and in theory Mary...
Help please . 2/ HAZY HOE MANGLED (5,6,3) 3/ PACK A RED TONGUE (4,6,4 ) 6/ NAME MOSS SOUL (6.6) 14/ TICKLED TOE PROBE (7.8 ) 18/WEARY CALL COMES (6,8) 20/ HE MAKES A NICE DANCER (8 10) Thank you ....
Hi the theme is famous battles cd 30 June any help greatly appreciated thank you in advance
4, a non poetic slant
22, mix fish
Again thank you for your help...
The theme is pets it's a ditoid for a song the number is the number of letters in the artist any help greatly appreciated thank you in advance
B s by p (8)...
The answer is a song and artist
The numbers are the number of letters in the artist name
The theme is pets any help greatly appreciated thank you in advance
R g by t p (3,8)...
Meeting of minds where one word from two separate words any help greatly appreciated thanks in advance 4, tidy hair in place of contention (6) 16, pumpkin can impair the line (6) 18, courted by chap...
Please could you help to finish this 1. Christmas dates 6.8 10. Too good in French 7. 30. Minty q14. 54. Nine isseven isn't 5.5. 71. Cola bottle nemesis 6. 74 not indispensable 3. 98. Somebody...
Any help/clues please for last couple, all answers are confectionery brands and products, past and present... 5. They know the answer, do you? (8) 63. Gotta chew! (5,9) 78. Dessert (5,5) Thanks for...
All the answers are two words (may be hyphenated) starting with C and P
1. Village in Surrey with seasonal name.
Thank you for any help. I've gone cross eyed looking at the map and index!!!...
1. Bordering on the rude. 6 letters
2, Very talented musician etc. 7 letters
3, very, very strange in appearance 9 letters...
I am missing two answers from this fun quiz. Answers are Christmas carols or songs. (I can't see that it says no asking anywhere on sheet.) Cryptic clue 3: What offspring abides? (I don't think the...
Confectionery Brands and Products,Past And Present, C/D Monday 8th March 2021. Please can anyone help with my last 3. 74,Not indispensable [3] 78, Dessert [5,5] 79, Sounds like it could be ours [4,3]...
The theme is chocolate bars no number of letters given I wonder if you could help please 3, lord in a change of bar 5 fantastic fruit 18, CB4 Ihj 20, a change next Thank you in advance for your help...
Head and footwear
Could you please help
Thank you kindly
3, basin,a&e department (6)
10, loud part of face, failures (4,5)
Thank you again for your help...