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what is it with them? they wind me up, especially local ones who only surface at christmas and new year!!
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May I wish all my friends on R&S, and everybody else on AB, a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year. x
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Happy New Year to one and all. May 2008 see no more Infernal Server Errors and may I get my old username back. I'll keep answerin' if youse keep askin'
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The USA is often held up as an example of a country where freedom is paramount, and in particular freedom to practice religion is enshrined in the constitution. There are numerous examples of the...
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If people from another world (in a hypothetical situation) visited Earth and told us they were involved in this planets creation,evolution, they know the God or creative spirit and even knew the true...
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Mani Hussain
I've just finished reading Alister McGrath's 'The Twilight of Atheism' and found it really fascinating and evenhanded. McGrath charts the rise of atheism in the atheist critique of the oppressive...
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Beats me why George Alagiah has been awarded an OBE. He reads the TV news and flaps his hands about . Parky deserves his knighthood though.
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Dear Family It's still early enough for me to be able to gather my thoughts before we begin our Christmas Day activities. My daughter has beautifully decorated meal trays with menus and prayer cards...
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This is not a question, Just thought it may bring a smile to those involved(cast your minds back) and Wiz, if you're there, Here's to you my friend. 'Twas the eve before Christmas And not a mouse did...
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In what part of Britain is old Christmas Day (Jan 6th) still celebrated?
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Now then, S&C-ers, I have three very difficult questions for you to ponder over the holiday. Yes, yes, I know that you want to relax but it's a good thing to exercise the brain after all that food. So...
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Just watched the final surely its harder for a man to lead than a woman to follow matt was robbed
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For nearly 40 years we have had the technical know how and ability to get to the moon and return safely to earth .We have come a long way scientifically since 1968.My question is this ....why did...
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Lucy Thomas
Have I missed the point of these 'gifts' that are given by other people on your behalf. Here's the scenario. You turn up at my house on Christmas Day to be greeted with a glass of something and a...
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Any news?
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last five to find. 29, name of two presidents(but only one was Christian) 9 35, Speaking for another from within (11) 75, Embraced by Mavis,I go this way to find old spanish ruler (8) 78, half cubed...
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I'm looking for a new recipe for fresh Cranberry Sauce. Any ideas?
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Cetti, I was under the impression that you lived in the States, but I've just looked at a thread in Seasonal and it seems you're here in the UK. Oh, please put me straight ..... I'm confused.
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All answers have a religious connection 10)Slain by Goldenballs??? (7) 25)A patient man (3) 11)For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction (3,5,6) (the 5 is the religious word)...
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does anyone stay in and do nothing in particular or am i the only one :)

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