If the creator/s one defining message in all religions is love, then why are there so many belief systems and races of people that have factors to segregate them? Is this the humans test set by the...
In a previous question posed by Stevie1time, which referred to selling one's soul to the devil........it got me wondering. In his answer to the post, Teddio tells us that Lucifer was only second in...
I think the time has come to make changes in my life, and life itself has thrust upon me certain negatives that need to be addressed. Therefore, with the backing of my nearest and dearest, I may be...
Last September Gordon Brown pledged last September that every hospital in England would be deep cleaned before the end of March in the war against superbugs. However Health Secretary Alan Johnson said...
I've been tossing this around in my head for a while, and I just can't work it out. The question is, what exact time are people referring to when they harp on about everything being better in 'the...
My mother in law had a test today where the doc found an ulcer in her bowel. She now has to go to hospital in two weeks to have it removed. Problem is, the doc said that all ulcers in the bowel are...
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml =/news/2008/01/08/nterror308.xml So an extremist Musltm gets 4 years for this. What is the point of all the increased security measures, when such a...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7176843.stm So you move to spain as a pensioner and the government still pays you the winter fuel payment. It's mandatory under European law...but is it right?
They say (whoever 'they' are exactly) that everybody has a book in them. That is, we are all gifted with either the imagination, statistical facts, or homespun memory that could equate to actually...
Would you wear an Answerbank lapel pin, if one was available? (The four leaf red and orange logo). and what would you say to somebody if you saw them wearing one?
Hi. I am doing an essay at university on the different words which are used to refer to a bread roll? I'm from Lancashire and I call them teacakes.
What does everybody else call them?