Don't blame the Muslims after all! The figures prove it - or do they?
It means 'mobs of Muslim men attacking and sexually assaulting women and stealing from them.
I've only heard the word spoken. I haven't seen it written down... /// Schools are being offered £30,000 extra funding to hire and...
To all the kind ABers who asked from time to time about my husband and his poor health I have sad news. Following a stroke at beginning of September and an infection setting in after RIG inserted for...
Khandro said //If some form of life could be found he knows the implications are enormous, because it sure as hell didn't come from here, and so all bets would be off as to where it all came from.//...
Do you not think that this is typical PC over reaction to a harmless joke?
Another example of Hypocracy, Clegg described Smith as a Labour Party member during the abuse years despite the fact that the Liberal Party turned a blind eye under David Steel's leadership and even... Farage must be pulling his hair our by now ! What does everybody this mans occupation likely to make him more or less suitable to be...
Why cant the Tories ,the Labour party and the Lib-dems not have a pre-election pact to work togetherto try to make this country great again.Dont invite any of these nasty nationalist parties anywhere...
That fine upstanding actor, Martin Freeman appeared in Labours Election broadcast yesterday. This is the man who: Backed Arthur Scargill (whilst rejecting the Labour Party at the time) Sends his kids...