Who can draw the best picture on this site then post for us all to see. This link should work if not i do apologize http://six.flash-gear.com/draw/drw.php?id=2554 98&a=1834770855&c=778335356
Not sure if this has been brought up on B&S in the past, but what is it with this dumping someone by txt this days. It seems to be the younger element of society that are doing it tho i know a few...
have you any tattoos . ? i dont have any but might have one done across my bum saying wide load . lol no i would like a really small on on my body some where but dont know where or what . but i might...
sorry if i offended anyone with my post. it was meant to be light hearted. probly was the wrong time to post it tho eh! it's the hot weather that's all!!
apparently a report has said that the hot weather makes people hornier and naughtier. do you agree? if so give us some examples!!!! i.e when was the last time you had sex outdoors?
Was watching BB whilst laying in bed last night and it all kicked off. Once AGAIN about Chanelle and Ziggy. I missed the initial conversation in which Nicky apparently approached Chanelle and told her...
Is it me or is she driving everyone else mad! its getting to the point i feel like i cant keep watchin untill she is removed, arrh she makes me hate her and i dont even know the girl.
i'M BORED :o( Stuck at work all week, with boss away on business and my job officially handed over - what is a girl to do now!?! I have NO work at all....not even like i can talk to new girl because i...
It has occured to me since discovering AB that I spend more time and effort on this site, answering the Q's and reading the dilemma's of people I have never met than actually getting off my backside...
I was on a very enjoyable boat trip down the Danube over the weekend and found complete strangers waving at me from the shore and also from other boats and I waved back. It occurred to me that people...
Ok I might start a bit of a debate here, but stemming from another question on whether collection 2000 is tested on animals, If you found out the make-up you use was tested on animals would it stop...
Hello! I was told at work this morning that I look a lot like Nigella Lawson and it made my morning! Who do you all look like ? And if you have seen one another - who do you think they look like ?...
Did anyone do that 'Face Recognition' thing? Where it scans a pic of your face and sees which celebs you look like? I just got told I look: Amerie - 75% Charlottle Church - 75% Amanda Seyfried - 73%...
My nipples have been really sore and tender lately. They hurt to touch anything. And my lower stomahc has been hurting. i was wondering, could this be pregnancy symptoms?
Just back from consultant appt. Baby head is 3/5 palpable! I'm ludicrously pleased with myself, as if I actually had something to do with it! 4 weeks to go, eek. Hope you other lovely ladies are good....