Stuck on a couple and any help appreciated - 27a To strike in troubled times - I don't get it (2,5,2) I?/B?A??/?? and 17d Novelist has gangster's girlfriend trapped in lair (8) no letters yet - I know...
One left 4d Awkwardly move unwanted furniture etc (6) L?M?E? If awkwardly is anagram indicator I cannot parse move. Or is it the clue? I could think of lumber but can't see how that would fit with the...
This has had me scaling the walls today - no enjoyment at all, and I've thrown the towel in! Anyone who can help with the last 3 would be appreciated. 9a Man trying to attract woman with diamonds, say...
16d Creative extremes expelled from party is movement out of control? (8) ?R?I?R?C. It's my last one, and I just can't parse. Any help appreciated - thanks in advance.
Last one and I can't work it out! 6a Caught in Rhode Island hospital, elaborately decorated (4) ?I?H - I keep thinking wish, but I don't think it's right. Could anyone help me parse? thanks in advance...
Last two - any help appreciated. 17a Doctor at a court who's in charge? Absolutely! (8) A?T?C?A? and 23d Flourish without dish, finally, that's health food (4) ?R?N. Thanks in advance
Last two - 11a Secure next to riverbank (4) ?I?R and 24a Cover up corporal punishment (6) E?D?N? Any help to parse is appreciated. Thanks in advance....
2d Deny admitting one learner put in new form (7) R?B?I?T and 9d Performance captured by artists even represented ability to draw (14) ?T?R?C?I?E?E?S Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance....
Last two - 27a Breaking or extending rental agreement? (9) R?L?A?I?G and 29a Daughter in a break-up is powerless, in the main (6) ?D?I?T. Any help to parse is appreciated. Thanks in advance
25a Phaetons, unsteady transport (8) ?T?S?O?E - if it is an anagram of Phaetons, I can't work it out. Any help to parse is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
27a Right pickle to follow small first bite (4,9) D???/??E?????T sorry I don't have more letters, but I'm finding this so darned hard this morning! Thanks in advance....