26d Open a little container with key, initially (4) A??? Is it AJAR? If so, where does the k for key initially come in? Any help to parse would be appreciated. Thanks in advance...
Stuck on last two - any help to parse would be appreciated. 13a Eagerest to repair poor accommodation on board (8) ?T?E?A?E and 24a Join for whole year (4) A?L? Thanks in advance....
Last one and I'm stumped! 25a Wide-eyed, this person standing in body of church (5) N?I?E. If I put "IM" for this person, it gives N?IME. But I can't see what it could be! Any help appreciated....
3d Completely intoxicated son's given ground (7) S???H?D I just can't work out what should be the clue and the fodder. Any help appreciated. Thanks....