Stuck completely on 4a Deterrents to improper conduct, namely regulations about parking (8) ?C?U?L?S I think Acts is in it but can't think of a four letter word for parking! Any help appreciated...
Last two I can't seem to get .. any help would be appreciated 6d In general, it's an essential ability (10) L?A?E?S?I? 14a Backward area traversed by tiny pack animals (6) L?A?A? Thanks in advance ;-)...
Last two now .. 2d Soldiers right to work outside (5) Could this be TRAMP? If it is, I'm not sure why! I do have T???P 8a Deluge literature, receiving dazzling illumination (8) ?L???L?T If 2d is...
Just want to check
18d Complete limited edition, it's said ( 7)
I have put in uttered as the letters are U?T?R?D but I can't work out why. Is this right and why?
Thanks for any help!...
Hi guys (and girls) .. last couple I can't seem to "parse"! 12a Group of players, actors with her, performing (9) H?C?E?T?A (not sure if the H is right!) 8d Affected rep treated and nursed (9)...
Last one hopefully ..
17d Piece German edited in English paper (8) ?R?G?E?T
I'm thinking the last letters are EFT, but I can't work it out! Any help is much appreicated thanks!...
A bit late, I know, but stuck on the last two:
12a Live party is nearby (6) B?S?O?
20d Meandered South, defenceless (6) ?N?K?D
Any help appreciated, as always. Thanks :)...
Just want to check an answer if anyone can help? 17d Workers rising within a unit in plant (7) I had A?E?O?E and think its anemone. Can anyone confirm? Workers rising - is it men backwards? Thanks in...
Last couple I can't get. any help appreciated! 9a Natural impulse in street and in court (8) ?N?T?N?T 18d Diesel spilled, quarter in sheltered area (3,4) L?E / ?I?E. I thought the last word might be...
Wondering if anyone can help? 25a Sweet pair appearing before a row (7) P?A?I?? I thought it might be Prawiro - an anagram of pair and row, but this is a surname and can't see how it would fit with...
Just would like to check an answer if anyone could help - 21a 15 joining game that brings rival universities together (8) I have Oxbridge but not sure if it's correct as it was one of those that...
22d Attend one opening in theatre and quickly leave (4,2)
B?A? / ?T
Not sure if my letters are right today - having a nightmare with this one!
Any help appreciated as always!...