It appears to me that if you get your punctuation wrong, make a spelling mistake etc you will get slated by the likes of markrae. I know my punctuation is dreadful and my good lady Carakeel will often...
I heard that a friend had got married, through a "Third Party" No idea where the marriage took place (except that it was in England) How can I find out through my computer?
At what time would it be reasonable to go round to the house next door and ask them to turn their music down? They know we have small children (as do they) and the music is just thumping through the...
1- Warning of a (future event) F?????A?O?
2- Underlying ??T?????C
3- Ship's or aircraft's officer in charge of finances ?U?S??
4- Behave as if omnipotent 4,3 ?L?Y ?O?
Hey am needing help with a few well known sayings like a.e.f.a.e - an eye for an eye s.w.r.d t.m.a.s.t.t.c.a.t.l. s.w.t.i.i.h y.c.m.a.s.p.o.o.a.s.e. t.n.t.l.t.p. t.g.i.a.g.o.t.o.s. t.p.o.t.p.i.i.t.e....
I could cook it in 30 minutes, but the rice was nowhere near done so it took 45 nearly 50 minutes to cook, and that was without making a pudding aswell!
Some time ago I found a website where you were able to create a master index across several cookery books by inputting the ISBN number from each book ... and now I can't fins it and with 50+ cookery...
I'm thinking of buying train tickets online in advance from now on, as they seem to be much cheaper. What is the procedure when booking in advance? Does one still have to go to the ticket office upon...
the politicians want us to come into line with europe and not bother so we have longer daylight do you think we should change the clocks twice a year or change tradition???...and have more...