My neighbours have two rabbits, and they asked casually, if they were ever away for the night, would I look after them. I said yes. Two days later they put their key through my door with a note saying...
how do i sell a 160 year old french piano for someone who lives in the north of spain, he doesnt know the price nor anyone who collects, wants to buy this kind of thing. he has sent me 3 pics of it....
Any help please on these last three, need to get it in the post soon
No 15 Translation 4 2 11
No 26 Belated Birthday Greetings 4 9
No 65 Highly Confused Rope 7 4
Thanks in advance...
I would like to take this opportunity to address some rather ill-informed posts on the recent thread on the gay cricketer who came out. Does it matter? Yes - it does, because gay kids need to have a...
I am in a panic. I recently sent out mt CV to recruitment agencies and even applied for some jobs. I only just realized - -instead of ..."2011" i put 2010 (only once though - one line). I am...
Dear All, You may have noticed that the site search has failed. We will work on this as soon as possible, but for the moment I can offer you this Google search instead. Thanks for your patience. All...
11A - In statistics the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis as false when an alternative hypothesis is true (5) P??E?
Many thanks for any help...