Stuck on the following 18 ac female appointed by law as guardian have C?R?T?I? found caryatid but no ref to guardian. 8d genus of fungi found on grass.??B?E?E?L? 1d enlarged cells a?c? 2d tea genus...
20across and 47 across former England fly half who made his debut at Twickenham against South Africa in 1998 (20) A?E? (47) ???G 10 down which is the the first letter of 20 ends as A or crimea. I hope...
This is my last clue I have V?TR?IN and my reference devices are giving me nothing I have 17d as lovelace 22d as thethys 20d as kingpin and 13d as ibsen
19 D Plant native to the Mediterranean whose name is derived from the Latin for "flesh" because of the original colour. I have C?R?A?L?N.
Is 27 A Amrita 31 A Aigullette?...
I am stuck on 3 17D Family which includes goats and ibexes. I have ?a?r?n?E 14D Evergreen conifer of NZ ,I have ?a?r?c?r?a 22A Group of bantu languages of southern africa. I thought Nyanja was central...
Help please. 8 down sending off a football player 5&4
15 down descend in social rank 4&5
26 across ??? razor principle that entities are not multiplied...