Very grateful for all help with these clues please. 3ac: “Fans of Number one casino game milling around (10).” 4dn: “Kick up a row, clashing with grey knight (9).” 6dn: “Normal, presumably, to inject...
Very grateful for all help with these clues please.
22dn: “Romeo’s departing expression leaving stage (5).”
23dn: “Banks stood up for auditors (4).”
25ac: “Fast disc played slowly (5).”...
Very grateful for all help with these clues please.
23ac: “Oily stuff’s running to the left of me (6).”
54ac: “Look for a bite in the end to eat bagel (5).”...
Very grateful for all help with these clues please. 2dn: “Pass pack down after bridge match? (6,5).” 11dn: “What’s got Parisian who is roused into fighting? (11).” 18ac: “Rake nearly ready a month...
Very grateful for all help with these clues please. 6dn: “Slowly eat beef, getting bill first (6,2).” 12ac: “Job description? Great! (8).” 15ac: “I’m not playing around with emotions (10).” 22ac:...
Very grateful for all help with these clues please. 25ac: “Stifling any sense of air, time and energy, except when outside (8).” 30dn: “Old-fashioned, overlooking small charge (4).” 32dn: “American...
Very grateful for all help with these clues please. 4dn: “Sherpa possibly less than enthralled climbing mountain (8).” 5dn: “Call for Congress to reject second bill (5).” 22dn: “Will time off from...
Very grateful for all help with these clues please. 2dn: “Stated a word as a German might say it? (7).” 3dn: “Winger or prop overlooked by clubs (9).” 20ac: “Device a string ensemble musician uses...
Very grateful for all help with these clues please. 13ac: “Dog rescuers on the road carrying equipment (5).” 16ac: “Spiritual band? (3,6).” 34dn: “Party music, something that’s found very lacking...
Very grateful for all help with these clues please. 6ac: “Sharp agent raking in pile (6).” 15dn: “Leader from media abandoning case to retreat northward (9).” 20dn: “Group of sailors cutting timber...
Very grateful for all help with these clues please. 9ac: “What must be paid for after brief smack? (6).” 14ac: “Dealer’s henchman preferring pound to note (8).” 24ac: “VIP’s paltry payment? (8)” 27ac:...
Very grateful for all help with these clues please. 1dn: “Mends fencing in king’s colours (5).” 14ac: “Explosive start setting one back a bit (5).” 42dn: “Wife, under arrest in Grammar School, with a...
Very grateful for all help with these clues please. 18ac: “Old statesman rarely any take to at first (8).” 22ac: “Lots of ladies, perhaps, one visiting old grandmother of Samuel (10).” 29ac: “In line,...
Very grateful for all help with these clues please. 9ac: “Scruff’s threads close to threadbare (4).” 19dn: “I’m disgusted, aristocrat admits, to dress down (4,3).” 24ac: “Record-breaking European is...
Very grateful for all help with these clues please. 8ac: “A business, one that’s going to shrink (10).” 10ac: “Theatrical endeavours giving rise to star? (10,4).” 13ac: “Come before king during sports...
Very grateful for all help with these clues please. 5ac: “Show sheet of stamps left ready (5,4).” 7dn: “Roofer starting late and after some time (5).” 19ac: “Dogfish is tender, Harry (10).” 25ac:...
Very grateful for all help with these clues please. 2dn: “Fashion item old lady and knight chat about (3-3).” 6dn: “Mature with no time for nonsense? Essentially responsible! (5).” 11ac: “Range of...
Very grateful for all help with these clues please.
2dn: “Symbiotic gut bacteria (5).”
22dn: “Potential cause of disease (8).”
23ac: “Eg, positrons (10).”...
Very grateful for all help with these clues please. 4dn: “Timid creature concealing mark that identifies when death is near (6).” 13ac: “Make lace to cover plain silk fabric (7).” 38dn: “Qualify to...