please help with these sounds like a foundry man-6 letters honest ma,what a mess-3 and 5 letters oily one-5 letters hen,s little one-3 and 5 letters sound like english/scottish stream -8 letters...
please help with these stick to the article-6 letters sounds like a foundry man-6 letters honest ma,what a mess-3 and 5 letters oily one-5 letters sounds like tree with joint-8 letters hen,s little...
can you help with these.theletters represent the first letter of each word in the answer-THE YEAR IS SHOWN FCDNTM-1975 IWBFC-1956 CIS-1978 SCIOTD-1986 JBLATW-1981
can you help with these.theletters represent the first letter of each word in the answer-THE YEAR IS SHOWN
police maybe?-1970,s artist or group-8 letters
another monkeys group maybe?-1970,s artist or group-5,7,4 letters
do they have large rears?-1970,s song-3,8,5,letters
stuck on these remaining clues-any help appreciated
eg.the last vehicles 1,4 =Z Cars
1.Sounds like a gun 7-not Cannon -could this be Baretta
2.Keeps you going 8
3.Always on show 6,3