any help please,no clue to how many letters. 1,What hounds do, 2,A fire in a scottish chimney, 3.Your life history can be read from it, 4 Goes well with lemon. 5.Would be prevalent with u. 6 A pig in...
sorry still need help,no clue to the number of words or letters 1;Is it very filling? 2;Looks like a poor election turnout 3;A decorative edging 4;A party game?
please can anyone help,no clue to how many letters or words 1,is it very filling? 2,a political party in a shed? 3,one who plays an overhead shot? 4,a second class stream? 5,a tablet burned 6,starting...
can anyone please help,no clue to how many letters or words in the answers. 1:Where to tie up 2:A glancing blow 3:Where I will lay my burden down 4:At a slant 5: Biased
help again,no clue to how many letters or woeds in the answers 1:John the baptist's 'font' 2:Sounds like an operation for female dogs 3:Cross this and there is no going back 4:In gaining momentum...
Help anyone please,no clue to how many words or letters 1;Found in quantity on all even surfaces 2:Female irish record holder 3:Runs with clotted cream 4:A sudden quick movement
can anyone help please no number of words or letters given 1:employer surrounds old city 2: a use for a poor relation 3: man or woman of cloth beginning
hell its me again,can anyone help ,no clue to how many words or letters in the answers 1;Rule a scottish loch 2;A use for a poor relation 3;Swedish group with wind. 4;Man or woman of cloth beginning.
HELP! this quiz is driving me bonkers, can anyone help PLEASE 1;A fish to come in 2:Little credit about the grip 3:Not for patriotism,for money 4:A use fro poor relations NO CLUE HOW MANY LETTERS OR...
Its me again anyone out tuere know the anwsers to the following clues 1:A man or woman of cloth beginning 2:Did he train for his job 3:Swedish group with wind? 4:A use for a poor relation
can anyone help with these questions,dont know how many words or letters 1:Employer surrounds old city 2;What clothes suffer when you gain weight. 3:French sea....sing 4:Turns sharpley west o.k
Can anyone help please with these three questions 1:retainer...not out 2:Ban an american exclaimation 3:Cut out male no clue to how many letters or words