We have recently moved house and are concerned that the person that has bought our previous house is witholding our mail. We have contacted some companies that we had expected to recieve mail from,...
Did you use to practice the violin every day ? Is this expression is a vulgar one or not supposed to use in written (formal) English? In other words" Did you used to practice the violin?" is more...
What does the law say about leaving dogs in cars? Is it never ever ever or just on sunny days? It would be helpful if I could leave my dog in the car for five/ten minutes on occassion during the...
would it be stupid to put a Fridge Freezer next to a radiator? I say it isnt as it is an electrical appliance which is designed to keep heat out and keep things cold but my boyfriend thinks I'm...
I am trying to find out about how to write a will do I need to write it on special form? or will a piece of paper do? if I need a special form where do I get one from? do I need a solicitor?...
i heard yesterday that a law is being brought in that if youa re caught answering your mobile phone while driving you will get a ?60 fine plus 3 penalty points, well does it mean caught "actually"...
After a divorce decree absolute has been granted and financial issues resolved with an order in place, can I request for the financial issue dispute case to be reopened? My husband is a sole owner of...
Has anybody got any ideas on what would be a rough surrender value for an endowment policy which has been payed into for 74 months at 132.80p per month, due to mature in 2024 (at a value of 66,500),...
I am a fisherman and i want to be able to catch small fish, under 250 grams in weight and I am seeking advice as to whether I can challenge the Protectiono of Sea Life act 2001 using European law....
I am an amateur fisherman and i have accidentally caught a small shark in a net and I am not sure whether i have committed an offence under the act. Can anyone advise me please?
A relative is going to give me their flat; ex council and purchased over 3 years ago. There is a mortgage on the property oustanding which I have been paying since the start. It's value is about...
I have to buy a new fridge freezer and was thinking of having a frost free one but in conversation I was told not to buy one.I have been to 2 shops today haveing a look and out of 20 freezers in one...
Hi, I am planning on buying a small property in the Greater Manchester / Lancashire area. I was hoping for some opinions & advice. I'm looking to buy in a nice village which is near to city / town...
We have a small 3 bedroom house and plan to have a small 2 storey extension at the side of the house (approx 2x4m per floor). Whilst we are in agreement about the new downstairs room, we have a...