18 A. River's flow swamping southern part of US city (8,2 words) ?a??s??? 17 A. A mostly muffled alto note is flatter (7) ????a?? PS. There are some alterations to be made after solving some clues,...
16 D. Irish in Ireland mostly disturbed regular visitor to Knock? (8)
(I keep seeing 'Dubliner')
9 A. Dad breaks a law causing fit of fury as of old (7) ??o?le?
19 A. Vale seen in Swiss city overlooking lake (6) ????s?
14 A. Refined title of respect in Burma (4) ???u
The preamble says there may be a misprinted letter in some clues....
25 D. Seal this inside a fort near Hamilton, perhaps (5) ?o??a
22 D. Part of swarm one moves under cover (6) l?c?id
(I can see lid/'cover', but that's all.)...
Anyone else doing this, anyone else got stuck? 33 A. Supporter from East India close to anger with Old City market operator (10) ?r?i?a???r 19 D. Tree overlooks Eastern River resting place having very...
16 D. Sat here with girl being rude over time (5) t?a?? 29 A. Plush new accomodation for the Commander-In-Chief (6) ?e??c? There are misprints, a single letter, in some of the clues in this crossword....