Repay an archdeacon , say , on way back 6 letters A _ _ n _ e I've put avenge , archdeacon is ven, but can't parse it honestly . Any help appreciated S
10a. Beverley possibly has unusual instrument, but lacks 14 (7) M?N?T?R 14a answer is NUT Could be MINSTER, MONSTER or MONITOR but I can't see where NUT is or isn't involved or parse any of the... ...
Many thanks, NACW and Newmodarmy, I'm reposting to avoid the constant change of page. The last one was 25 which read as follows : 25 Secure Queen ordinary traditional hotel ( 5 )
Many thanks, NACW, I’ve got the link for Brewer's and am signing up for an account. Meanwhile, I am having a look at this week’s EV that seems interesting. I’ve got quite a few answers, but would... ...
Any help grateful all answers are drinks 4. Large cocktail, needs a large glass (5) 6. For example, gong vibrating (6) 48. Turrets in a stately home contains this tipple (7) Thanks in advance x
21a american in negative translation, just dont make grammatical sense(4)a?n? 16d from then on, the far Right and East we reassess(10)w?e?e???e? 27a past position of no3 was a ten- fold sexton... ...
Good afternoon, a pretty mild offering from Doc this week except for three of the unclueds and one clue! Help for the latter should help me to unravel the rest of the unclueds more quickly. Thanks... ...
This guy I started speaking to tonight is asking if he cam ring me and I don't feel comfortable speaking on phone after an hour of speaking what do I say?
Good morning, a nice little challenge from Pabulum! Help for the following should help me to crack the eminent victims. Thanks in advance! 10a Run from libertine boy punches (7) : ???L??? 14a ... ...
31a Anti-nuclear treaty prompts no action from Lord’s, say (4,3) test ban? 25d Small sand eel, it seems, or other marine animal (8) L???E?ES lookslike an anagram of s sand... ...
This guy I've spoken about I know from dogs home. I said work comes at top of my list and he said 'you finish at two and then have the weekend off ! When he all of a sudden brought up we hadn't... ...