Just a check as I've kept the British end up and finished the grid - 20d Extremely clever nurses invite busy person for a drink (4,4) C?S? / B?E? Is it C(')EST BIEN and if so, why? ...
The clues are a mixture of cryptics, anagrams and puns. The answers all relate to birds. 7. Wholesale turkey massacre? (6,4,4) 19. BabyPlanets? (9) 56. Chinese-speaking dish? (8,4) 78. Keep dancing!... ...
1a A *** is said to satisfy a demand: ???e??? 4dKKK members want this drink with creamy fudge: ??p?e???? 15d Lying for republicans in Alabama, say: ????t?a??
Sorry but I hate both Tennis and Football. OK that might be influencing my fury, but why are sports events like these allowed to ommit regular prime time shows which I had planned to record in my... ...
2a ??L???? Legal trouble aboard a ship 11a. ??D???? Loud hostile mother turned and left 26a. S???? A composer was extremely idle 6d. 11letters ...and nun in error gaining weight... ...
i've got a lot of answers but haven't cracked the theme/method yet, help with crossings where I think I know the answers (but not what to enter)would be welcome: 10 across should be a latin word?... ...
Good morning, my favourite Doc challenges me this week with the following for which I would appreciate a few hints. Many thanks in advance! 27a Hours away from Shoreditch organising game like... ...
18A. Dumb to grab a bishop from the rear- what a clanger! (7) E-R-T-M We think it is ERRATUM but cannot see why Explanation please Many thanks in advance
morning all any help appreciated .. i think i must have wrong letter(s) somewhere ? labour leader fared badly in hot temperature which he strongly discourages 4/4 *a** / *e*t top labour and... ...
5 AC School gets dirt on objectionable type (7) 9dn Lice virtually spread by China - disaster that's barely covered by most campaigning politicians (7,6)
Good morning, NACW, thanks for the answer to my last clue to the Spectator (BOSCH)! A final shot at the EV 1648 for the instructions! I’m no good at finding extra letters or removal of extra words.... ...
Am really stuck on 4 clues - any help greatly appreciated. Royal country above regularly cheesy, soppy stories [8]: R---N-E- Small to medium organ? Slander! [5]: ---A- Copper in Los Angeles [North... ...